I Quit!

I Quit!

“To Whom much is given, much is required.” Luke 12:48 This Scripture verse carries more truth than one might think. Jesus was teaching his disciples to be ready for His glorious return, but the verse can also be applied to our lives today. As I grew from childhood to adulthood, my parents increased my weekly…

Reality Check

Reality Check

As I age, the number of candles on the cake becomes less important. The big milestones have passed. Until reality smacks me in the face. For Example, my granddaughter received a nice camera for her fourteenth birthday. She’s super creative and has taken some amazing pictures with her cell phone. Her parents thought she’d like…

I Can’t Hear You

Have you ever ignored someone speaking to you? Perhaps she asked you to do something you didn’t want to do (this is especially pervasive in the teen years). Sometimes I pretend I can’t hear my husband when he asks me for the seventh time how to find a document on the computer. He admits to…


The Mind Thief

This is a guest post from Ada, whose husband has dementia. There are many feelings associated with losing a loved one to dementia.  He is still here physically and mentally, there is a person there, but not necessarily my Gary.  It is some other form of a man. He doesn’t think like him, nor act like…

Compassion Fatigue

If you’re caring for an elderly parent, it’s likely you’ll be tired of the physical and mental energy needed by your aging loved one. It’s normal to be tired. But if you don’t take time to rest, you may suffer from compassion fatigue, also known as burnout. Symptoms of Compassion Fatigue Excessive blaming Bottled up…