

How much time do you spend thinking about a specific word that will carry you into a new year? I never used to have just one defining WORD. Until four years ago. I was impressed to meditate on the word ‘fearless.’ Much of my energy is spent worrying about the what-ifs. I take a situation…

Bottle Misery

Bottle Misery

I am beginning to think there’s an evil group of monsters who design packaging so difficult to open that one needs a knife, hammer, and bolt cutter to get to the contents. In the last couple of weeks, I’ve tried to open a bottle of salad dressing, a label-maker, and a package of salad mix….

Fire Pit Crew

Fire Pit Crew

Almost a decade ago, Seth Godin released a book titled Tribes. It’s human nature to seek out tribes, be they religious, ethnic, economic, political, or even musical (think of the Deadheads).  Now the Internet has eliminated the barriers of geography, cost, and time. Social media gives anyone who wants to make a difference the tools…