Book reviews for discerning readers
Summer is fast approaching and it’s the time to think about a great vacation read. I’d like to offer some suggestions. Book reviews are a great way to find your next favorite author, and to avoid some not-so-great books.

Another Ending by Sara Whitley
What would you do if you got pregnant during your last year of high school? Molly must face some difficult decisions when this happened to her. I won’t give you any spoilers, but Whitley handles this controversial and sensitive subject with grace.. This is a great book to hand to any high school girl or boy who is sexually active. The choices we make affect our lives forever.
Star Rating 4 Stars ****

The Record Keeper by Charles Martin
I looked forward to reading this third and (I think) final book in the Murphy Shepherd series. Sigh. This was disappointing. Here’s one of the reviews: “This story focuses on two topics. I learned a lot about how children are trafficked. The other part of the story was about rescuing a lifelong mentor. For me, that part went on way too long and was very implausible. An overdose of testosterone and just in time killings by the heroes. I skimmed the last 25% of this book.”
If I hadn’t been listening to the book on Audible, I would have skipped a lot of the book too.
Star Rating 2 Stars **

Braving Strange Waters by Sarah Hanks
From Amazon: Braving Strange Waters is a riveting time-slip novel with memorable characters, exciting twists, and rich internal conflict that fans of Gabrielle Meyer will love.
I enjoyed this totally different kind of book. If you want to step out of your genre, try Braving Strange Waters.
Star Rating 4 Stars ****

Absolutely Not In Love by Jenny Proctor
Amazon describes this as a ‘closed-door rom com.” If you’re like me and sometimes want something fluffy, I recommend Absolutely Not In Love. It’s cute! For those of you who don’t want to read anything even remotely hinting at the two kissing, etc, then skip this one. But I promise, if you do read it, you won’t cringe.
Star Rating 4 Stars ****

Pastor’s Perfect Wife – coming in July
This is the second in the Hearts of Main series. It follows the story of Mean Girl Mariah (from Her Forever Home) and Ethan, the interim pastor at Main Community Church. Here’s a hint of what’s to come:
Mariah’s heart shatters when her fiancé leaves her, taking all of her dreams of a happily ever after with him. Desperate to fill the void in her life, she throws herself into volunteering for Safe Families for Children, craving the love and chaos of a bustling household. But when a new pastor and his young son enter her life, Mariah is torn between her longing for family and her fear of getting hurt again. Her past trauma at the hands of a manipulative youth leader has left deep scars on her heart, making her wary of any man in ministry.

Broken Trust – coming in June
This is the third and final book in the Broken Series. Here’s a sneak peek at what’s to come:
Jinxi is in love. Something she never thought she’d admit to herself, much less the world. But the truth is, she adores her police officer fiancé. She wishes they could elope and start their lives together. Instead, she’s constantly bombarded with plans for a blow-out wedding she doesn’t want and constant questions about choosing a date, colors, and an appropriate venue. Then, when she’s sure she can’t take any more pressure, her father shows up out of the blue. The man had broken her trust by walking out when she was only four years old, and now he wants to reconnect. As her future husband constantly reminds her, Christ wants her to forgive.

Jane S. Daly is the author of two nonfiction books and seven novels.
Jane is addicted to coffee, purple pens, and her husband, not necessarily in that order. A self-proclaimed introvert, she enjoys the solitude of riding shotgun in Rigsby, her 37-foot motor home. But when they pull into a new campground, her favorite thing is to make new friends and find hangouts featuring local musicians. Her fantasy involves writing lyrics for country music songs and hearing them played on the radio. In the meantime, she’ll stick to writing novels. And seeing as much of the country as possible.