“Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens.” If you’ve ever seen the movie, The Sound of Music, you’ll remember Julie Andrews singing those words to the children when they were scared because of a thunderstorm. The simple delights she sings about are the things that make her happy.
During this Christmas season, it’s easy to get caught up in buying the perfect gift for someone. There’s so much pressure to find ‘just the right thing.’ We lose the joy of the meaning of Christmas.
My Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter feeds are jammed with ads for STUFF. This got me to thinking about some of the things that make me happy. They’re simple pleasures, but they’re my favorite things.
A few of my favorite things
Most of these are things that can’t be bought, but give me the most pleasure. A hot shower after a hard workout. A great bottle of wine. Laughing with friends. Goofing around with Mike.
Oprah’s Favorite Things
Remember Oprah’s Favorite Things? Her list for this Christmas is chock-full of gift ideas from gadgets to household items to clothing. Who wouldn’t want to purchase something Oprah suggested?
ME! I’d rather have the simple things; things that can’t be bought.
What about you? Do you get stressed over finding the perfect gift for everyone on your list? Have you been disappointed over the gifts you’ve received? If so, take a pause and remember the greatest gift we’ve ALL been given – the birth of Jesus.

Jane S. Daly is the author of two nonfiction books and seven novels.
Jane is addicted to coffee, purple pens, and her husband, not necessarily in that order. A self-proclaimed introvert, she enjoys the solitude of riding shotgun in Rigsby, her 37-foot motor home. But when they pull into a new campground, her favorite thing is to make new friends and find hangouts featuring local musicians. Her fantasy involves writing lyrics for country music songs and hearing them played on the radio. In the meantime, she’ll stick to writing novels. And seeing as much of the country as possible.