Finding Grace to Care for Your Elderly Parents
Caring for elderly parents is challenging. It’s a season of life that requires grace and strength that can only come from God. In The Caregiving Season, Jane Daly shares personal caregiving stories, offering practical advice to help you honor your aging parents well and deepen your personal relationship with Christ along the journey.
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After a successful career in banking, Jane dipped her toes into writing after a life-changing event – the death of her 30-year-old son. Her book, Because of Grace, has given hope to many mothers who have experienced the same shattering grief.
She then chronicled her journey through caregiving. The Caregiving Season was born from the years spent caring for her elderly mother.
But imagining stories has always been her first love. Jane’s novels have won the Cascade Award from the (formerly Oregon Christian Writers) Cascade Christian Writers organization and in 2023 her novel, Broken, was a Carol Award semi-finalist.
In 2021, Jane and her husband sold their home and gave away most of their possessions to travel full-time in their Class A motorhome. When she isn’t gazing out the windshield and thinking about her next book, she can be found hunched over her computer, pounding out the next novel.