Fire Pit Crew

Fire Pit Crew

Almost a decade ago, Seth Godin released a book titled Tribes. It’s human nature to seek out tribes, be they religious, ethnic, economic, political, or even musical (think of the Deadheads).  Now the Internet has eliminated the barriers of geography, cost, and time. Social media gives anyone who wants to make a difference the tools…



My grandfather complained of blurry vision for years. When he finally succumbed to my grandmother’s nagging, he went to the eye doctor and was diagnosed with cataracts. To eighteen-year-old me, my grandpa was ancient, though he was probably in his late sixties. Now I was sitting in the exam chair, listening to my eye doctor…

Five Girls

Five Girls

Five girls became fast friends in Middle School. We weren’t exactly a clique, but no one else was encouraged to join our tribe. We enjoyed taking classes together, hanging out at lunch, and many slumber parties. We stayed friends during high school, even though two attended one high school, and three another. As we grew,…

Reality Check

Reality Check

As I age, the number of candles on the cake becomes less important. The big milestones have passed. Until reality smacks me in the face. For Example, my granddaughter received a nice camera for her fourteenth birthday. She’s super creative and has taken some amazing pictures with her cell phone. Her parents thought she’d like…