Jane and her husband sold everything and moved into a home on wheels – Eleanor Rigsby.
Midlife crisis? Maybe. Fulfilling a lifelong dream? Yes!
After a successful career in banking, Jane dipped her toes into writing after a life-changing event – the death of her 30-year-old son. Her book, Because of Grace, has given hope to many mothers who have experienced the same shattering grief.
She then chronicled her journey through caregiving. The Caregiving Season was born from the years spent caring for her elderly mother. But imagining stories has always been her first love. Jane’s novels have won the Cascade Award from the (formerly Oregon Christian Writers) Cascade Christian Writers organization and in 2023 her novel, Broken, was a Carol Award semi-finalist. In 2021, Jane and her husband sold their home and gave away most of their possessions to travel full-time in their Class A motorhome. When she isn’t gazing out the windshield and thinking about her next book, she can be found hunched over her computer, pounding out the next novel.
Sign up for her newsletter below and get introduced to the BROKEN series.
Do you like great stories that won’t make you cringe? Do you want to read about women who overcome life’s challenges, without sex, violence, and politics? Then you’ve come to the right place!

Fans and Friends
- Francine Rivers
- Nick Harrison
- Kathy Boyd Fellure
- James Scott Bell
- Allen Arnold
- James L Rubart
- Melanie Dobson
Speaking and Workshop Experience
Those Pesky Proposals: Do you shudder when an editor or agent says “Send me a proposal?” Jane has conducted past workshops to help writers faced with the task of writing a proposal, arming them with the tools they need to get the job done.
Story to Story: Turning a Loss Into a Light: Have you had a major life interruption that you believe will make a good story? Do you want to encourage others who may have suffered a loss like yours? Jane can help you understand how to take your personal story and turn it into a light of hope for others.

At The Oregon Christian Writers Conference in August of 2016, Jane was chosen to receive the 2016 Cascade Award in Best Unpublished Contemporary Fiction for her novel, Broken.
While waiting for The Caregiving Season book to be published, I polished up my novel, Broken, and entered it into a writing contest. Every year, Oregon Christian Writers hosts the Cascade Awards. One of the categories is Unpublished Women’s Fiction. In July, I was informed that I was one of three finalists in my category.
I waited anxiously during the awards banquet dinner, hoping and against hope I’d win. With my stomach in knots, I hardly enjoyed the fine meal we were served.
At last came the time when the winners would be announced. First, the envelopes containing the names of the winners were delivered to the two hosts of the event. I sat with my eyes glued to the table in front of me.
“Our first category is Unpublished Women’s Fiction.” Then the envelope was opened, and the first line of the story was read.
“Worst. Night. Ever. She smelled like the inside of a porta-potty, baked to perfection in ninety-degree heat.”
I Won! That was the beginning of my novel.
I’m on my way to becoming a published fiction author.
In 2013, Jane Won First Place…for her First Publication!
Because of Grace won first place in the 2013 Inspire Christian Writers annual contest. It’s the inspirational, nonfiction story of her journey through her son’s diagnosis of cancer at age twenty-nine, and his death the following year. It was released for publication in January 2015 by Hallway Publishing.
Greatest Loss Greatest Gain, was published in the 2013 Inspire Faith Anthology, Inspire Press.

Jane S. Daly is the author of two nonfiction books and seven novels.
Jane is addicted to coffee, purple pens, and her husband, not necessarily in that order. A self-proclaimed introvert, she enjoys the solitude of riding shotgun in Rigsby, her 37-foot motor home. But when they pull into a new campground, her favorite thing is to make new friends and find hangouts featuring local musicians. Her fantasy involves writing lyrics for country music songs and hearing them played on the radio. In the meantime, she’ll stick to writing novels. And seeing as much of the country as possible.